Monday, April 28, 2008


"If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there." In order words, how do you know where you want to go if you don't have a goal?

Having a goal enables you to focus your energies on devising ways to achieve it. When you make a decision and begin focusing on achieving a specific goal (and even better in a specific period of time), your unconscious mind goes to work and begins testing ideas and developing strategies of various ways to successfully complete it.

Your conscious and unconscious start working on it and begin to develop an action plan. You will find you begin asking yourself questions about what needs to be done so you reach your goal. You may find yourselves coming up with amazing ideas and solutions to problems or obstacles that might have been in the way of achieving it.

Our unconscious mind is an extremely powerful tool. The more often you remind yourself of your goal, the more your mind will work on ways for you to achieve it. Some people find answers come to them when they are asleep and dreaming.

Have you ever noticed that there is no correlation between being wealthy and having a high IQ or a university degree? If there were, every doctor and university graduate would be wealthy, and as statistics show, most of them end up in the same situation as 95% of the population. The biggest thing that the majority of independently wealthy people have in common is that they set goals for themselves and achieved them.

Setting Goals.

1. Pick ONE Goal: This is important! You can only achieve your goals if you focus on them one at a time. Once your goal has been accomplished or made into a stable habit you can start on the next goal.

2. Start Small and Easy: The best way to succeed with your first goal is to pick something you are already doing, once in awhile, but want to do daily. This will build your self confidence as you achieve the goal and help prepare you to work on future goals.

3. Simplify: Choose a small, specific goal, or break up larger goals into small pieces that can be done on a daily basis. Big successes start with little ones.

4. Write It Down: Write your goal in large letters and place it where you will see it several times a day. Putting your goal to paper makes it official: You Want It!

5. Keep Track Every Day: This step is VERY IMPORTANT! If you don't keep track of your daily progress you won't progress. Everything we accomplish takes DAILY steps which turns the goal into a habit.

6. You Have To Want It: If you don't really want to do it, you won't succeed. Pick goals you want to achieve or change your attitude so you REALLY do want it.

7. Make the Time: You have to MAKE the time or you won't MAKE the goal. Pick a time when you will work on your goal, such as early in the morning, late at night, during lunch, when children are occupied. If you "just don't have the time" then wake up earlier. Most people only need 6 hours of deep sleep.

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