Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Power Of Gratitude

Being grateful is absolutely vital to living a really good life. Over the years I’ve learned that it’s hard to be angry or upset and grateful at the same time. Of course, life can be hard sometimes and yes bad things happen, but despite what life throws at me I can always be grateful for what I DO have.

When you're grateful, you see the world in a completely different way. You learn to see that there are always good things behind everything that happens. You come to realise that your life is actually pretty wonderful.

So how you become a grateful person?

1. Realise how rich you are
So often we think that we need more and more money to be happy. This, probably, is one of the main reasons that makes us difficult to be grateful. But do you realize how rich you are right now? If you doubt this, visit Global Rich List, enter your annual income, and see the result. If you earn just £5,000 per year (and most likely you actually do earn more) you are in the top 13% richest people in the world!

2. Realise what a healthy and prosperous life you have.
Life expectancy over most of human history was only 20-35 years. Most of those lives were spent in diseases, poverty, and misery. Only in the last century has human life expectancy increased significantly to the current average of 67 years.

It is estimated that there are 106 billion people who have ever been born on earth, with 6 billions are living today. This fact coupled with Point 1 means most likely you are healthier and more prosperous than 99% of people in human history! You are in the top 1% of the healthiest and most prosperous people ever born.

3. Realise what a blessing it is to live in peace
No matter how rich and healthy you are, life will be full of fear and misery in the time of war. Can you imagine being in the midst of a city bombarded with bombs? Can you imagine being on the spot in countries at war? Just living in peace deserves your sincerest gratitude!

4. Open your eyes to see the good things in your life
We tend to see the bad things that happen in our lives but so often overlook all the good things. Even small things matter. If someone considers you a friend, that’s something you should be grateful for.

5. Maintain a “good things that happen in my life” journal
Why not write the good things that happen in your life in a journal? When bad things come and life looks grim and it can be difficult for you to be grateful, open and read your journal. You will soon start to see the wonderful life that you have and this will give you a renewed strength to overcome your problems.

6. Understand that there are ALWAYS positive things behind all the bad things that happen
This might be difficult for some people, but I firmly believe it and have had this proven to me time and time again in my own life. At the very least, bad things give you valuable lessons you should be grateful for. When you have this mindset, it’s not difficult to see the good things you could get out of something bad. This way you will always have reasons to be grateful.

7. Focus on giving
You will always be grateful if your mind focuses on what you have rather than what you don’t have. By giving, your mind will focus on what you have (you can’t give something you haven't got, can you?). Most people focus on receiving which makes their mind focus on what they don’t have. If you're always chasing what you don't have then no wonder it’s difficult for you to be grateful!

8. Decide to be a grateful person
It’s entirely up to you to decide whether or not you want to be a grateful person. If you decide to be a grateful person, then you will be one. The same thing happens the other way around. No matter what happens to you, it is still you who decides how you will respond. So make the decision to be a grateful person!

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